Feb 2, 2012

Using Photobucket to edit your photos

This is going to be a longer post, but with Picnik going away, I wanted to show how many different simple photo effects you can do in Photobucket. It's actually... a lot! I really like Photobucket for image hosting because it is easy to upload and retrieve your photo link to add to your html. It is also great for easily adding a slideshow to your blog!

Here is the original photo:
 duo tone
 film grain


  1. Picnic and Picasa are also good, free tools for photo editing - you should check them out :)

    1. Oh yes, they are great tools! I like Photobucket because once you upload your picture, it stays in the album and you can easily put it in your html code. I purchased Photoshop Elements and it is one of the best $70 investments ever!

      I would love to see some of your photo editing work if you want to send me a link ;)
